5 Natural Health Tips: Free and Easy Ways to Stay Healthy

We all want to live healthier lives. After all, you might as well feel good as you live on this earth. It can be difficult to wade through all the health advice out there, however. There are countless creams, diets, and other fads that are touted as being the “next best thing!” In the midst of all this chaos, it is important to remember that there are completely natural health tips out there. And, the best part? They’re free. Natural Health Tip #1: Ge...

How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving

On this blog, I often discuss ways to live a healthier life. Whether it’s adding yoga to your daily routine, integrating herbs that will make you feel younger into your diet, or how shilajit can be a great way to add vitamins and minerals into your diet, we love to discuss healthy living. All this talk about healthy food is great. And, if you’re like me, then you get on track and start eating and living right, only to be derailed by a holiday. Thanksgiving